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Sex Pistols: the 76 club

2 CDs: Sex Pistols: the 76 club (the complete Burton-on-Trent Recordings) + CD The Last Interview ... Recorded the morning of the Winterland Show (2 CD); 5000 Ltd. Edition (Nr. 0365) + Doppel-CD God save the Punks (P.I.L., X-Ray Spex, Ramones)   Sex Pistols: the 76 club. (the complete Burton-on-Trent Recordings)
  Preis: 17,95 €

Yeaah! / EFA, 1999
ISBN: o.A.
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: England; Epoche: 68er
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 13417

2 CDs:
1.) Sex Pistols: the 76 club (the complete Burton-on-Trent Recordings):
+ Bonus-CD The Last Interview ... Recorded the morning of the Winterland Show (2 CD); 5000 Ltd. Edition (Nr. 0365) - Yeaah! / EFA; 1999
2.) Doppel-CD: God save the Punks: Sex Pistols, P.I.L., X-Ray Spex, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ramones, Sid Vicious, The Stranglers, Blondie, u.a. - Disky; 1997

Sex Pistols: the 76 club (the complete Burton-on-Trent Recordings) (Yeeah! / EFA; 1999)

Sex Pistols: the 76 club (the complete Burton-on-Trent Recordings) (Yeeah! / EFA; 1999)

God save the Punks (Disky; 1997)

God save the Punks (Disky; 1997)

2 Audio-CDs, diese neu und unbenutzt. Die limitierte Sex-Pistols-CD nummeriert (0365 (von 5000)).

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Mehr zu den Themen: englisch, 68er

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