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Stirling, James / Wilford, Michael and Associates: Buildings and projects 1975-1992
Stirling, James / Wilford, Michael and Associates: Buildings and projects 1975-1992 Zum Tode des Architekten Stirling erschienene Retrospektive. "Some of the most celebrated - and often controversial - buildings of recent years are included in this comprehensive summary of an impressive canon of modern British architecture."
Preis: 18,95 € (statt: 65,44 €)
Crystal, David / Davy, Derek: Investigating English style
A.d. Inhalt: Linguistic Description - Stylistic Analysis - The Language of Conversation / Unscripted Commentary / Religion / Newspaper Reporting / Legal Documents - Suggestions for Further Analysis
Preis: 2,95 €
Levy, Henry M. / Eckhouse, Richard H.: Computer Programming and Architecture
"This text is unique in addressing hardware structures and assembly language programming, while also describing the interfaces and mechanics of an operating system (...)" (from the Foreword by SAMUEL H. FULLER)
Preis: 1,45 €
Voyages d un Gentilhomme Irlandais a la recherche d une religion avec des notes et des éclaircissemens par Thomas Moore, traduit de l Anglais par l Abbé D***. (Text französisch).
Preis: 33,95 €
Jones, Allen: Prints
Jones, Allen: Prints Complete catalogue of prints compiled by Richard Lloyd. Erster kompletter Katalog mit Jones Graphiken - Text englischsprachig
Preis: 8,95 € (statt: 34,77 €)
Lessing, Doris: The Golden Notebook
Kultbuch der Frauenbewegung. "A work of high seriousness... The most absorbing and exciting piece of new fiction I have read in a decade: it moves with the beat of our time, and it is true" (Irving Howe, THE NEW REPUBLIC) Text auf englisch.
Preis: 3,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Voyages d un Gentilhomme Irlandais a la recherche d une religion avec des notes et des éclaircissemens par Thomas Moore, traduit de l Anglais par l Abbé D***. (Text französisch).
Preis: 33,95 €
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