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Einige Vorschläge aus dieser Rubrik:

Orwell, George: Animal Farm
Englischsprachige Ausgabe des Klassikers: All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others...
Preis: 2,95 €
Tauchnitz Edition Collection of British and American Authors, Vol. 4823.
Preis: 3,95 €
Thwaite, Anthony / Mole, John (Hg.): Poetry 1945 to 1980
Among [the poets] are not only such well-known figures as Philip Larkin, Ted Hughes, Thorn Gunn, Sylvia Plath and Seamus Heaney, but also many contemporaries and younger poets whose work deserves to be more widely read.
Preis: 10,95 €
Matthew Sweeney: Santuary
"Here is a poet who has never allowed himself to be distracted a poet, too, whose work all those who think we know it well had better read afresh." (Sean O Brien, Poetry London)
Preis: 4,95 €
Niagara Power Service (Hg.): Niagara the unconquered
Kurzer kulturhistorischer Abriss über die Entdeckung der Niagara-Fälle, deren energietechnische Ausnutzung durch die Firma Niagara, Hudson Power Corp., die Hg. dieses Buchs. Text in Englisch
Preis: 2,95 €
In 8 empirical case studies they describe key areas of German foreign policy (security, European integration, foreign trade and human rights) and examine the impact of Germany s altered power position, of its domestic societal interests.
Preis: 15,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Cellini, Benvenuto: The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
A.d. Inhalt: Book First - Book Second - Cellini s Works in Plates - Notes on the Illustrations
Preis: 8,95 €
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