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Crystal, David / Davy, Derek: Investigating English style

Dies ist ein second-hand Artikel

  Crystal, David / Davy, Derek: Investigating English style. [English Language Series]
  Preis: 2,95 €

Gebraucht, Guter Zustand,
Hardcover, 264 S.
Longman, 1976
ISBN: 0-582-52212-9
Lieferbarkeit: sofort

Land: England; Epoche: 68er
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 19917

The aim of this book, the first of its kind, is to outline the most important features of language which characterise some of the major varieties of English as they are used today, in the hope that such an exposition will assist both native-speaking students and foreign learners to improve their knowledge, appreciation and command of the language.
The first part of the book provides an introduction to the theory of language variation, and also a descriptive framework which shows how the linguistic features characteristic of any variety of English may be identified and related to the situations in which that variety occurs.
The second part shows the framework in action by applying it to specimens of conversation, commentary, religious English, journalism and legal English, and a final chapter assembles typical instances of a number of other varieties, with hints for their analysis and further study.
All the extracts are from language which actually occurred — none was constructed for the purpose of the book; each was chosen as a convincing example of its variety; and the specimens of spoken language should be particularly helpful to readers, since accurate transcriptions of this kind have never before been available to the non-specialist in any quantity.
Instead of criticising or evaluating the content or subject-matter of the extracts, the authors have tried to describe in detail the language in which the content has been put across.
It is this descriptive approach which makes the book radically different in purpose from the more familiar type of 'comprehension' book; and it is hoped that the descriptions themselves go at least some way towards demonstrating the enormous power and flexibility of the English language to adapt itself to different times and situations so as to meet a multiplicity of different needs.

A.d. Inhalt:
Linguistic Description - Stylistic Analysis - The Language of Conversation / Unscripted Commentary / Religion / Newspaper Reporting / Legal Documents - Suggestions for Further Analysis

OPb. mit OU., dieser berieben, Seiten l. gebräunt, ansonsten gute Erhaltung.

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Mehr zu den Themen: englisch, 68er

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