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Einige Vorschläge aus dieser Rubrik:

Martin, Ben: Marcel Marceau
Englischsprachiger Fotoband über den großen französischen Pantomimen mit vielen Studien von der Bühne, den Proben und in privater Umgebung.
Preis: 9,95 €
Dethier, Jean: Down to Earth
The energy crisis has overthrown many of the certainties of contemporary life, yet few developments are as surprising as the current revival of architecture in unbaked earth and adobe. (With 303 illustrations, 65 in color. Text komplett englischsprachig)
Preis: 14,95 €
Buberl, Brigitte (Hg.): Benedict J. Fernandez: Protest
Buberl, Brigitte (Hg.): Benedict J. Fernandez: Protest A.d. Inhalt: An American Tradition. The Camera as a Weapon - The Revolution Took Place in America: Impressions of the Sixties - Benedict J. Fernandez: On the Power of Photography and the Poetry of the Moment - Ben Fernandez and the Photojournalism
Preis: 11,95 € (statt: 84,00 €)
"It strikes deep inside the heart... The story is clean, clear, straight, the work of a mature imagination at full power... here is a book that will be celebrated for a long time." (David Hughes, Mail On Sunday)
Preis: 1,45 €
NcNergney, Robert F. / Herbert, Joanne M.: Foundations of education
A.d. Inhalt: Student Edition Contents: Teachers and Teaching - Historical Foundations of American Education, 1600-1865 - Modern U.S. Education History, 1865 to the Present - Philosophical Foundations in Action - Schools - Cultural Diversity
Preis: 6,95 €
Sapolsky, Harvey M.: Science and the Navy
A.d. Inhalt: Introduction - The Origins of the Office of Naval Research - The Office of National Research - The Office of No Return? ONR and the Issue of Relevance - Managing Naval Science - Science Advice for the Navy - Conclusion
Preis: 4,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Ivancevich, John M. u.a.: Management
2. Auflage / Second Edition. (ISBN: 0-256-18939-0 (überklebt mit Aufkleber: ISBN 0-07-114401-3)). A.d. Inhalt: Managing and the Environment - Planning - Organizing - Leading - Controlling - Growth, Technology and Innovation
Preis: 18,95 €
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